
UFP’s professional ethics and the highest standards of work attract talented and qualified specialists interested in growth and success of the business. Our flexible corporate structure allows skilled individuals and teams to be integrated smoothly in order to expand their core business and respective products, leveraging on UFP’s contacts and infrastructure partnerships.

Our core values, such as entrepreneurship, responsibility, transparent compensation and equity ownership, lead our team to the brightest results and prosperity.

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    In the US, United First Partners LLC is a registered broker/dealer and member of FINRA and SIPC
    In the UK & Australia, United First Partners is a registered trading name of Mariana UFP LLP which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
    In the UAE, Mariana UFP Capital Markets (DIFC) Limited is regulated by the DFSA and is licensed to conduct broking activities
    In Switzerland, UFP Capital SA is regulated by PolyReg

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